Lotus Car Rental wants the company to excel in environmental issues. The company needs to operate in a manner that's good for the community and environment. We are constantly looking for ways to improve when it comes to minimizing the environmental impact that the company has, which for example is done with the following things:
Minimizing the release of greenhouse gasses
- Greenhouse gas emissions will be taken into consideration when purchasing new cars into the company’s fleet.
- Educate and encourage to drive more economically by following the tips provided on the website to minimize fuel consumption.
- Have more online meetings instead of in person. Employees travel together whenever possible and are encouraged to drive in a more fuel economic way.
- The company has invested in an electric shuttle bus to take customers from the airport to Lotus Car Rental.
Minimize the use of electricity and use the resource currently available better.
- Offices or spaces, as well as equipment that are not being used over the day, have the lights and equipment turned off.
- In 2021 – 2022 Lotus Car Rental updated the heating system in the building to minimize the amount of water used. This yielded a decrease of 70 – 75% decrease in water after the new system was up and running.
Minimize waste
- Minimize the use of paper by increasing online solutions and if applicable always print on both sides of the page. For example, the leasing agreement to customers is in electronic form.
- Every office or workshop equipment is fully used before renewing the equipment.
Sort waste
- The waste that comes from the operation is sorted and sent to the correct sorting facilities for further processing.
- Cans, cardboard, paper, plastic bottles, and plastic is sorted and sent to recycling.
- All hazardous waste is collected into containers and sent to recycling
Lotus Car Rental is part of Vakinn
Vakinn is a quality and environmental system for the travel industry. The system is based on Qualmark but is adapted to meet Icelandic environment. The goal of Vakinn is to promote quality, safety and environmental awareness. Vakinn is a tool used for sustainability, to enhance quality and safety.